Molly and Nathan
traveling to
Everywhere on
May 1, 2021
Written by
Nathan Clement
Life has been a whirlwind since we last posted anything here! As the COVID pandemic fades slowly into the past and life gets back to "normal" (we hope!), it seemed like a good time to kick start the old travel blog :) I'm going to be making three posts to off a quick catch-up on life, and then any posts after that will be back to the adventures...
In our last post, Molly and I went to Harper's Ferry Virginia. At that time, we had actually been engaged for a few months! I asked Molly to marry me at Disneyland in one of our favorite hidden spots at the end of June 2018. I was so nervous in the days leading up to popping the question, that Molly noticed I was acting strange, and thought I was going to break up with her!
The months after our engagement were a happy, but sometimes chaotic blur...
A new home for us both, and a new job for Molly were a lot, especially with a wedding coming up, but we didn't stop the adventures! I will post about some of the bigger trips later, but for now here are some fun highlights from the new few months: