Winter always drags on in Portland. Cold rain and cloud covered skies are reluctant to relinquish their grip in the Pacific Northwest until May or June each year. Our trip to Hawaii in March was an amazing chance to break through the grey doldrums, but as sunny days began to roll around, Molly and I were feeling cooped up and eager to hit the road back into nature.
We didn't really know where we wanted to go, so at first the plan was to drive East from my house until we found something interesting! It only took about 3 minutes for us to meet an impassable wall of construction 🚧🚧🚧
Luckily, we were feeling spontaneous, so we set out North towards Mt. Saint Helens and the Ape Caves!
After about an hour of driving along the winding Lewis River Road near Woodland, we began to realize that the caves were going to be totally packed with Memorial Day vacationers. A few circles around the parking lot were all it took to set us back down the mountain away from the crowds ;)
The day turned out super cloudy though, so we decided to make our own entertainment