Walking out of Waverly Train Station in the heart of Edinburgh, we were enamored by old medieval buildings towering all around. Our hostel was situated at one end of the "Royal Mile", a road connecting Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood Palace. Since I was navigating, we got a bit lost on the way, but it added to the sense of exploration ;) Upon arrival, we stored bags, grabbed breakfast, and enjoyed the ambiance of a common room full of fellow travelers. I particularly enjoyed brewing black tea loaded with sugar because it reminded me of previous hostel visits almost five years ago during my big college trip to Africa.

Friendly hostel staff provided great suggestions for things to do in town. After a full day, we hiked upstairs to our room past imposing suits of armor, we were greeted by the best view in Edinburgh...

Our view from the Castle Hostel in Scotland

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Guardian of the hostel
Must be a nice table!
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